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Writer's pictureRaffaela

Intervista con Candela | @candela_sono_io (Italiano & English)

Candela is a 21-year-old Italian independent singer-songwriter from Bergamo. After a long and tortuous five-year experience with a band that disbanded in 2019, she released, "Ananke," her solo album, in April 2020. "Ananke" is a collection of ten songs, in which Candela intertwines the stories of people met most recently, with hers.

Candela uses music to open the parts of her unconscious that need to be released. While writing, these thoughts are independent. It isn’t until she’s singing, that she discovers the meaning in the lyrics, that have been created by a liberating stream of consciousness.

Candela finds it counterproductive to try to label herself and considers it all her art. With that said, the genre in which her music fits most is Indie.

Candela is a 21-year-old Italian independent singer-songwriter from Bergamo. After a long and tortuous five-year experience with a band that disbanded in 2019, she released, “Ananke,” her solo album, in April 2020. “Ananke” is a collection of ten songs, in which Candela intertwines the stories of people met most recently, with hers.

Candela uses music to open the parts of her unconscious that need to be released. While writing, these thoughts are independent. It isn’t until she’s singing, that she discovers the meaning in the lyrics, that have been created by a liberating stream of consciousness.

Candela finds it counterproductive to try to label herself and considers it all her art. With that said, the genre in which her music fits most is Indie.


Cosa ti ha ispirato a diventare un musicista?

What inspired you to become a musician?

É stato un processo che mi ha portata a non sopportare piú tutta l'energia che gravava sul mio equilibrio vitale e che ha trovato la sua valvola di sfogo nella musica e nella scrittura. Io sono solo il suo tramite con il mondo.

It was a process that led me to no longer bear all the energy that weighed on my vital balance and which found its outlet in music and writing. I am only its link to the world.

Quanti anni avevi quando hai iniziato a suonare?

How old were you when you started playing (music)?

Diciotto da poco compiuti. Tardi direi, considerando che ne ho 21. Prima mi limitavo al canto, facendo parte di una band, c'era chi suonava al posto mio.

Eighteen is when I completed learning. I would say late, considering that I'm 21. Before I was limited to singing, being part of a band, there were those who played for me.

Come descriveresti la tua musica?

How would you describe your music?

Liberamente vincolata. Libera da schemi, etichette, ma anche vincolata ad esperienze capaci di generare in me emozioni con un retrogusto simile.

Freely bound. Free from patterns, labels, but also bound to experiences capable of generating emotions with a similar aftertaste in me.

Dove ti sei esibito? Hai dei prossimi concerti?

Where have you performed? Do you have any upcoming shows?

Sfortunatamente la mia cameretta é il palcoscenico piú consumato ahahah

Ho avuto una serie di esperienze davanti a poco e spesso disinteressato pubblico, su palchi improvvisati. É una mancanza che avverto prepotentemente, ma spero che possa trasformarsi il prima possibile in pienezza.

Unfortunately my bedroom is the most used stage hahaha.

I have had a series of experiences in front of a small and often disinterested audience, on makeshift stages. It is a lack that I strongly feel, but I hope it can be transformed into fullness as soon as possible.

Dov'è il luogo del tuo concerto ideale?

Where is your ideal place to perform?

Ovunque ci siano persone disposte a perdere la voce cantando le mie canzoni.

Wherever there are people willing to lose their voice singing my songs.

Qual è la tua canzone preferita da esibire?

What is your favorite song to perform?

Difficile da scegliere, ma ora ti direi "Jenni". É l'unico urlo che mi é permesso fare.

Difficult to choose, but now I'd say "Jenni". It's the only scream I'm allowed to make.

Quali musicisti famosi ammiri?

Which famous musicians do you admire?

Considero l'ammirazione un sentimento molto profondo e per questo solo poche persone a mio avviso la meritano. Battisti, ma specialmente Mogol, che ne era parte dell'anima; é uno tra i pochi.

I consider admiration a very deep feeling and for this reason only a few people in my opinion deserve it. Battisti, but especially Mogol, who was part of the soul; is one of the few.

Qual è il miglior consiglio che ti è stato dato?

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Non pensare a ció che le persone vogliono da me, ma dare a loro ció che io voglio dare.

Don't think about what people want from me, but give them what I want to give.

Se potessi cambiare qualcosa nel settore della musica, quale sarebbe?

If you could change something about the Music Industry, what would it be?

La mancanza di spontaneità e la freddezza. Stiamo pur sempre parlando di arte, calcolarne il valore sulla base di quanto potrebbe gonfiare le tasche dei produttori, non credo sia la mossa giusta.

The lack of spontaneity and coldness. We are still talking about art, calculating its value on the basis of how much it could inflate the pockets of producers, I don't think it's the right move.

Qual è un messaggio che vorresti dare ai tuoi fan?

What is a message you would like to give to your fans?

Quali fan? Ahaha

A parte gli scherzi, non ho un pubblico solido e formato, ma ogni giorno ricevo messaggi molto carini, che danno un po' di colore alle mie giornate.

Ai miei fan direi di ascoltare sempre se stessi che sono gli unici che sempre staranno con loro e se proprio non ne avessero voglia, di ascoltare la mia musica, che per piangere vanno benissimo ahaha.

Which fans? Ahaha

Seriously, I don't have a solid and formed audience, but every day I receive very nice messages, which give a little color to my days.

I would tell my fans to always listen to themselves because they are the only ones who will always be with them, and if they really don't want to, to listen to my music, which is fine to cry to ahaha.

Qual è il prossimo per te? (Prossimo Progetto)

What’s next for you?

Per ora il mio obiettivo é allargare la mia fanbase e lavorare un po' su di me per trovare la chiave giusta per liberare la nuova musica dalle gabbie nelle quali si nasconde.

For now my goal is to expand my fanbase, and work a little on myself to find the right key to free the new music from the cages in which it hides.


Translations have been edited for clarity

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