Samuele Atzori, also known as “Eagle,” is an Italian singer originally from Cagliari, currently living in Genova. He began collaborating...
Samuele Atzori, also known as “Eagle,” is an Italian singer originally from Cagliari, currently living in Genova. He began collaborating...
Italian group 80RAM, was formed in Rome in the spring of 2020. The line-up consists of Maurizio (vocals), Riccardo (samplepad), and...
Musician Greta Palmieri was born in Lithuania and was adopted by an Italian family, moving to Italy at the age of 10. She now lives in...
Born in 1993, Eleonora Vella, also known as “Le Nora,” is an Umbrian singer-songwriter. She spent seven years in London, taking her to...
Steve Everett is a Pop'N'Roll™ singer & songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee. Born in Albany, GA and raised near Greensboro, North...
Italian artist Raffaele Moretti approached music at the age of 15 and had some experiences with a few bands of the Viterbo area. He then...
Sofia Buconi, also known as “Nibirv,” is an Italian artist from Bologna. She made her first stage appearance with her father Paolo for a...
Matteo Ceccarini, also known as “BEHRTO,” is an Italian a singer-songwriter from Livorno who feels the need to talk about himself and...
European artist Nemos is originally from Italy but has lived in northern Europe for quite some time. Nemos’ choice to not show his face...
Born in 1999, Simone Maritano, also known as “Weid,” is an Italian singer-songwriter from the province of Turin. Always passionate about...
Born in 1998, Carlo Baratella, also known as “Settembre28,” is an Italian singer-songwriter. The project was created from the month and...
Born in 1979, Pietro Panetta is an Italian artist who was born in Locri, moving to Lombardy with his family at the age of 3. Passionate...
Il Sarto is a 40-year-old singer-songwriter from Padua who loves to spend his nights making music in an old tailor's shop, surrounded by...
“Sammarco” is the musical project of Milanese singer-songwriter Marco Sambinello, with a clear indie-pop mold. His debut in the music...
Born in 1999, Asja Cresci is an Italian singer-songwriter from Tuscany. The young emerging artist bases her light-hearted lyrics on her...
Italian singer-songwriter Marco Tommasino’s passion for music started in childhood with the study and practice of piano, which was then...
Italian singer/author Andreacarlo began his passion for music during childhood, observing the musical instruments in the company of his...
Mother and daughter duo, Rita Clerico and Anastasia Bruno from Cuneo, recently teamed together to release the single, “Se Tu Mi Ascolti,”...
Estrema Leva Artistica musicale ‘900, or “E.L.A.m. '900,” was formed in Urbino where, whether for study or for boredom, found Alessandro...
Born in 1997, Christian Guerra, also known as “Hermess,” is an Italian singer-songwriter/artist from Bologna. He attended accounting...